24 Ideas


Here are 24 ideas (6X4) for the popularisation of Samskrit language. They could be put into action by everyone, from a common man to a highly influential person, sooner or later depending upon one’s degree of love and passion for Samskrit. All the ideas will appeal to you only if your love for Samskrit is genuine and intense. Each idea is a small thing to do. But when many of them followed by many people repeatedly done many times for many months and years can do wonders for Samskrit in a decade or two.

1. Four ways to put your love for Samskrit into positive action in a small way to begin with – (1) Spending 1% of your time to learn Samskrit language and to study Samskrit literature (2) Spending 1% your time to teach Samskrit offline or online (to teach whatever little Samskrit you know) (3) Spending 1% of your time for Samskrit Prachar activities (4) Spending or donating 1% of your earnings to help the cause of Samskrit.

2. Propagate the following four facts either through your Social Media accounts or through any other way - (1) Samskrit language is a simple language and learning it through speech medium is easier than learning any other language. (2) Samskrit belongs to all irrespective of caste or gender and learning it will enrich everyone’s life materially, intellectually and spiritually. (3) Anybody at any age can learn Samskrit. Share this link to the article How to learn Samskrit https://www.chamuks.in/How_to_learn_Samskrit/ (4) Propagate that everyone should know the following 24 facts about Samskrit which are seldom understood properly - https://www.chamuks.in/24_Facts_about_Samskrit/

3. These four of your acquaintances – (1) Members of your family (2) Relatives (3) Office colleagues and (4) Friends in the society - can help the cause of Samskrit in many ways. You can - (1) speak in Samskrit language with them (2) teach them Samskrit (3) collect donation from them for Samskrit Prachar works (4) take help from them for Samskrit related activities. Think now whether you have explored all these 4 X 4 avenues for the cause of Samskrit. If you have not done it, then now is the time to make use of your fullest potential to the greatest cause - Samskrit. Now is the time when you still possess the energy and not after the body is jaded or worn out.

4. Contact as many Samskrit teachers as possible near your place or through your acquaintances and (1) impress upon them the need to teach Samskrit as a vibrant living language and not as a not-in-use classical literary language (2) request them to use interesting, contemporary, student centred and graded Samskrit language learning material in Samskrit medium (3) ask them to enable/empower the students to communicate in Samskrit at every stage of learning (4) encourage and help the teachers in every possible way to be successful Samskrit teachers and change-agents of Samskrit education.

5. Any work for the Prachar of Samskrit needs both - people who know Samskrit and people who do not know Samskrit but are passionate about Samskrit and are willing to work for it. If you know Samskrit, you can directly do the following four works. If you do not know Samskrit, then also you can volunteer to coordinate or do the needful for the same – (1) Teach the language / Kavya / Course books of various levels / Shastra Texts etc (2) Write in Samskrit or translate from other languages into Samskrit (3) Do research on contemporary application of various knowledge systems available in Samskrit literature and (4) Edit unpublished Samskrit manuscripts and make them print ready.

6. You may think of utilising four of your great assets for Samskrit Prachar – (1) Your talent/skills – Associate yourself with some or the other Samskrit Seva activity at your place or online. (2) Your influence – You may command some influence due to your power, position, fame, money, age, knowledge or service. Many a times all these influences accumulated throughout the life go waste unutilised. Often, people hesitate to make the good use of the influence they command due to their fear about personal image, obligation or just hesitation. One should be hesitant if it is for any personal gain. But when it is for a noble cause, one need not even think twice and forget about hesitation. (3) Your contacts – Everyone comes across so many good people who may have immense potentials. Not everyone gets a chance to serve the society. Many times, people also do not know what to do and where to begin. Mostly people love Samskrit. If you give them an opportunity to serve through some of the ideas mentioned in this article or as required in the field time to time and initiate them into service activities, that itself would be a great service. You may know the famous quote in Samskrit ‘अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः’. Why don’t you become a good Yojaka? (4) Rest of your life – Past is over. But you can certainly spend the rest of your life for a greater and nobler cause to make it more meaningful and memorable and also to make your next morning brighter and happier.

By :- Chamu Krishna Shastry | Views:- 2853 | 04-06-2021 10:03 PM