
If a question is asked whether any language is indispensable, the reply would naturally be the mother tongue is indispensable for everyone. There is another language which is indispensable for every Bharatiya is Samskritam.

Every individual is part of a family, family is part of the society, society is part of the nation, nation is part of the vishwam and vishwam is part of the brahmaandam. From individual to brahmaandam, from our small kutumbam to vishwakutumbam we are all interconnected, spiral progressive, complementary and integrally innately bound by oneness. That is because of Ekaatmataa from Vyashti to Samashti and to Parameshti. All the above words are non-translatable Samskrit words. Hence they are indispensable. Sans Samskrit we will not be able to understand who we are and what the Ekatmata is.

Ekatma Manav Darshan is the contribution of Samskrit literature. That Ekatma Darshan is nurtured and passed on since time immemorial by Samskrit language. Hence the language of Ekatmata is Samskrit.

Hindu Culture is primarily based on Ekatmata. Though every language has its cultural heritage and hence it is a cultural language, the position of Samskrit amongst all the cultural languages is unique. Samskrit is the unparalleled pan-Bharatiya cultural language, a common cultural language of every common man of Bharat. A common cultural language is an indispensable need of a nation. Samskrit is the voice of Bharat’s Atma. Hence Ekatmata Bhasha Samskrit is indispensable.

Ekatmata of Bharat has been manifesting through Samskrit language and its vocabulary. Samskrit has been the principal vehicle of inclusiveness of this Bharata Varsha. Samskrit is inevitable to understand Bharat better.

संस्कृतस्य विशिष्टं तद् स्थानं किं स्यात् यत् न अन्यस्याः कस्याः अपि भाषायाः स्यात् इति अहं बहुभ्यः दिनेभ्यः गवेषणं करोमि स्म । केन्द्रशासनस्य भाषा न भवति, राज्यस्य भाषा अपि न, मातृभाषा न, सांस्कृतिकभाषा न, शिक्षणमाध्यमभाषा अर्थात् प्रथमभाषा अपि न । तर्हि का भाषा? अन्ते उत्तरं प्राप्तम् एकात्मतायाः भाषा एकात्मताभाषा इति। एतद् स्थानम् अन्यया कया अपि भाषया प्राप्तुं न शक्यते । एषा भाषा भारतस्य एकतायाः भाषा अपि अस्ति । सामाजिक्याः समरसतायाः भाषा अपि अस्ति । अतः अस्माभिः क्रमशः एषः विचारः तात्त्विकसिद्धान्तरूपेण वर्धनीयः । अद्य एकात्मताभाषा इति एषः शब्दः न तथा आकर्षकः दृश्येत । परं भाविनि काले यदा भारतं विश्वशक्तिः भविष्यति तदा भारतस्य तत्त्वसिद्धान्ताः विश्वकल्याणकारकाः विचाराः विश्वे सर्वत्र स्वीकृताः भविष्यन्ति । एकात्ममानवदर्शनम् एव विश्वशान्त्याः आधारस्तम्भः भविष्यति । तदा एकात्मताभाषा एव विश्वभाषा भविष्यति ।

By :- Chamu Krishna Shastry | Views:- 5099 | 12-10-2019 11:40 PM